Building curiosity about space is the first step towards it's conservation
Curiosity is one the most important feature of human beings. Every invention that has been made was because of the curiosity to solve our immediate problem.
It is the source of Innovation and problem solving.
The need to develop interest in Space studies can help in its conservation as well.
When people are curious about space, they start to learn about i
This knowledge helps them appreciate the amazing things that exist in the universe.
Our Space is one the least explored by general people.
Even though governments are carrying forward space operations, the general public must foster more interest in these areas
The role of space committees like COPUOS in space conservation
COPUOS - The abbreviation for ‘United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space’ is a group where discussions are made on issues of Space exploration.
This committees is a guiding forces for the creating guidelines and recommending mechanisms that aid in space conservation.
Established in the year 1959, with the primary objective of fostering a balanced and peaceful use of our Outer Space.
The guidelines issued from this committees ensure the safety of space missions, sustainability of Outer Space from pollution and debris and promoting Collaboration from international entities.
World Ozone day celebrated in New Delhi
The Government of India , Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change organized and celebrated World Ozone day.
This serves as a reminder to all of us that the Ozone layer of the earth is one of the most important factors for the life on earth.
This year the theme was on ‘ The Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate actions.’
This Protocol is an international agreement which helps in setting up of actions to reduce ozone Depletion substances.
As some substances, CFC’s are a huge risk to the Ozone layer of the earth. They are causing the layer to be compromised.
Celebrations and Protocols like these aim to direct actions towards environment sustainability
The Debris free space plan
Space is also a part of our environment. Although it is not so much in contact with the immediate surroundings. But over years many space missions have taken place in those orbits.
These space missions use space crafts and satellites to monitor movements in space and also cause a risk of debris pollution too.
That is why now India is paving way to reduce the space debris being scattered due to space exploration.
The project name is ‘ Debris Free Space Missions’ which will use technologies that will limit the operational debris during the launch of satellites into outer space.
This move will give way to a sustainable and clean space that is free from all space junk it has gathered.
Over Tourism - an underrated threat to environment
The rise of tourism has caused a lot of boom to the airline and transport industries.
This boom raises our carbon footprint.
Flights are a quick way to cover up long distances.
Overuse of flights adds to carbon emission’s that are a major contributor to increased rate of greenhouse gases on our earth .
The rise of greenhouse gases cause global warming. It traps the heat in the atmosphere and leads to global warming .
It is high time to understand that traveling should be done responsibly so as to reduce the harm to the planet .