The link between Climate Change and human intervention
Climate Change is being recognised as a result of human intervention with nature.
And now it is analyzed to understand what caused it in the first place.
Scientists have taken surveys and compared observations gained from ice cores, tree rings, lake sediments and even weather patterns from old times to asses the reasons for Climate Change.
They have come to the conclusion that human intervention and industrial activities in large scale along with deforestation are the major causes to it.
The overly industrialized actions, use of fossil fuels contribute to build of Carbon dioxide in the environment which is the main reason for climate issues.
National Clean Air Programme
The National Clean Air Programme launched by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change aims to achieve the goal of clean air.
The major highlight of the project is to reduce particulate matter specifically PM 10 and PM 2.5 in the regions of India by 2025 - 2026
The whole plan involves the Collaboration of both central, state and local govt bodies. Along with contribution of other ministries.
For this each city will be undergoing a definitive action to curb down the pollution sources. Along with this the main focus will be to carry out proper regulations and promoting public awareness.
Funding is essential for climate problem mitigation
With the rise of environmental issues, Development of projects that aim to heal and not hurt the environment requires support of financial incentives
For this case, At the fourth edition of the IE Think: Cities - a discussion series event by Indian express, focuses on the problems of urban environmental issues.
The panelists discuss the topic of raising capital and guiding the municipal bodies to raise funds.
The major points highlighted were:
How local bodies play the major role in carrying forward the projects of environment sustainability.
They perform at the ground level and make sure the project goals are met.
To carry out these goals funding has to be raised for these Local bodies.
Ways to efficiently increase the income of municipalities and guiding them to raise capital should be encouraged .
How You can use a climate action tracker
The internet can also be used productively if one is aware enough. Now anybody can use it to track how the climate related actions are taking place all over the world.
A climate action tracker is a website where you can track the data of all countries.
It can used by people who want to know about environmental changes due to climate change.
The users can explore individual country profiles to know more about the initiatives their own country has done for the environment.
These trackers can serve as public governance sources where they can actively know about the problems and solutions that are being surfaced related to the environment
Zero Carbon cement will reduce construction emissions
Construction activities often emit smoke and other forms of emissions into the air. And cement is used majorly in construction activities.
But production of cement is not an environment friendly process. Cement production is highly pollution causing - it accounts to 7.5 percent of total greenhouse gases being emitted overall.
That's why researchers from Cambridge has devised a new technology to create cement that produces zero carbon waste.
The whole process involves reusing the cement paste from demolished buildings and using electronic furnace to reduce the emissions.
The increased amount of methane in air
The concentrated amount of methane found in air has been the cause of drastic air quality.
Methane is a gaseous chemical that is emitted while using fossil fuels.
The post industrial Era contributed to its levels reaching dangerous proportions .
Use of non renewable fuels, coal mining, oil industries, Agriculture activities- all of it add to its increase .
The rise of methane can be disturbing for the climate as it is known heat trap .
Higher methane levels mean more heat in the environment which will hasten r issues of global warming.
Using Humour to influence people about environment issues
The best way to deliver a message is by using humor . That is why the concept of Green Humour can help in addressing environmental issues.
Hence, cartoonist and Illustrator Rohan Chakravarty uses the same theory to strike a thought of the environment being in trouble.
His latest cartoon shares the glimpse of Uttarakhand’s Om Parvat being snowless in the illustration.
Observations and imaginations like these can help in triggering the care about our environment.
These sorts of creative works are lighthearted and trendy which will develop interest in people to know about issues relating to environment more.
Earth is slowing down due to climate Change
We have always been captivated by time related theories of time slowing down and speeding up in science fiction. But now it's happening for real
Our Earth is slowing down gradually and it is leading to longer days on earth even though they are only measurable and not noticeable .
A study conducted by Nature Geoscience, has observed that since the year 2000, the days were starting to get longer.
All of this started very slowly and the reason that has been given for this unique phenomenon is none other than the ice caps melting and the rise of sea levels.
Industrial waste - the major contributor of poor air quality
Air pollution is not a new concept - it has been a part of our environment since the rise of mechanised transportation. However another contributor is the unaccounted industrial wastes from manufacturing units.
Industrial waste is referred to as the residual remnants that are casted out during the production of any material- like heavy metals and chemicals during mining activities and stone crushing .
These are known as fugitive emissions and are major cause of air pollution.
An assessment made by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has identified these issues in one of the most air polluted city in India, Kota and directed for solutions to be used.
Understanding the knowledge gaps for environment sustainability
The role of knowledge and good education about environment and biodiversity loss helps in taking environment friendly decision.
A Worldwide survey conducted by Goethe University Frankfurt revealed that majority of the data taken from the survey showed signs of knowledge gaps of the future generation.
Since the new generation of students will play a critical role in taking decisions related to environmental sustainability. It's of key importance to promote awareness of biodiversity issues to these groups.
Collaboration of Climate change and biodiversity loss solutions
Climate changes have been causing a lot of disruption to normal biodiversity of the earth.
But before, these two issues were considered non related to each other.
In the research undertaken by the Journal of Ecology, that propose the joining of the two issues are essential.
Now taking account of the research,
Two major Organizations- The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have joined forces together.
This integration between these two platforms will now pave way to new solutions that are both in favour of climate change and also aid in loss of natural biodiversity.
Eco friendly solutions face more barriers in comparison to non eco friendly solutions
The rapid climate change and environmental deteriorating factors may be on the fore.
However people aren't yet ready to adopt environment friendly solutions.
A case with the Paris Olympics. Where multiple ecofriendly solutions garnered unpopularity and faced the unacceptance from many participating teams.
This proves how traditional living methods are still the first choice for people even if they are costly for our environment.
They also highlight the mental barriers that need to addressed to save our planet.
Airshed coordination committee setup
Uttar Pradesh has urged the center to set up a new committee for rising Air pollution which is a cause of health problems and environmental degradation all over the globe.
The major role of this Committee will be to target the air pollution issues in the Indo Gangetic plains - which is the major hotspot for Atmospheric pollution in India.