Our Purpose

Our Purpose

A movement called - Medieor.  A comprehensive digital platform that is visualized and being constructed to give us ( people ) an opportunity to share our efforts with all in making a usefull difference in preventing further degradation of our home our earth.    Medieor – Is a word sourced from ancient European languages and modified to explain the art of - Healing The Earth .

This platform is constructed for all of us to gather, share ideas, foster discussions, complete actions and challenges, or contribute in any way to heal our earth.

Join a group or more that are available in each element of nature(Tatva’s ) through which you can support in  healing our  earth.

Our approach to healing the Earth is to  look at each element (Tatva’s ) that form it.

Earth is a part of this universe. And Universe is made up of the connection of five elements together. As this website portrays.

There is Akasha( the space element),Agni( Fire), Jal( Water), Mitti ( soil) and Vaayu(Air)

We believe that when we disrupt our regular life we can come up with ways to heal each of these elements .Our efforts , howsoever small we may believe them to be will add to the process of healing our earth .

Why we must steer towardsHealing of the earth

Our Earth is our home . We have been taking infinitely from our home . This home continues to give us ,but slowly the capacity of our Earth our home is receding .

In recent years, our earth and it's demographics have changed a lot.

Once the areas that used to have lakesand rivers are now dryingup and turning into dry lands. Once oceans were clear but now they are chocked full of industrial wastes and plastics.

If we do not do something then even the natural healing properties will soon be lost.